Speed and Scale in Kenya

We will deploy our Direct Air Capture technology in the Great Rift Valley in Kenya, with an initial CO2 capture capacity of 5,000 tons per year in early 2026.
We are moving quickly to build partnerships with local partners. See our press release for more details.
Reach out if you’d like to learn more about how we can help you achieve your climate goals.
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Incremental model to deliver on speed and scale

Our operational model focuses on deploying modular technology to a single plant.
We start by deploying a small number of modules and then gradually add more as we manufacture them. This approach allows us to start quickly and scale to very large sizes without the operational burden of building and managing multiple plants.
Modular technology
We manufacture container-sized, plug-and-play modules, allowing us to:
  • Iterate on the technology more quickly and reduce costs faster.
  • Start small and as soon as possible.
  • Add more modules over time.
Centralized plant
We deploy our modular technology to a single plant, incrementally scaling it by adding more modules over time. This approach enables us to:
  • Scale faster.
  • Scale as large as we want.
  • Stay focused.

Kenya has exceptional fundamentals for DAC

Once CO2 is emitted into the air, it quickly mixes with the rest of the atmosphere, resulting in similar CO2 concentrations worldwide. This presents an opportunity for Direct Air Capture, which can be deployed in locations that make the most economic sense. Kenya is one such place:
  • Kenya has an abundance of clean energy. Its grid is already 93% renewable, and many geothermal power providers with permits that are not being exploited due to insufficient demand for the energy.
  • Kenya has the ideal geology for subsurface mineralization and the right partners already on site.
  • Kenya already has a legislative framework that allows geothermal permit owners to inject CO2 underground, drastically accelerating the permitting process for CO2 storage.

Strong co-benefits for local communities in Kenya

We are inspired by Kenyan leaders like James Mwangi, who are pushing for a future where Kenya is at the forefront of the climate transition. We are excited to do our part in making this vision a reality.
James Mwangi does an exceptional job of presenting the multiple and multi-dimensional co-benefits of running Direct Air Capture plants in Kenya in his TED talk:
  1. Access to Affordable Energy
    Integrating DAC plants with Kenya’s geothermal energy potential can help drive down energy costs. Currently, more than a quarter of the population lacks access to electricity, and those who do often pay high prices. By creating a stable demand for renewable energy through DAC plants, energy prices can be lowered, making electricity more affordable for local communities.
  2. Economic Growth and Industrial Development
    High energy prices in Kenya deter industrial investment, creating a feedback loop that perpetuates high costs. Introducing energy-intensive DAC technology can break this loop by ensuring stable demand for electricity, which can attract industries, create jobs, and stimulate economic growth.
  3. Increased Renewable Energy Investments
    The presence of DAC plants can justify and attract investments in expanding renewable energy infrastructure. This would not only support the DAC operations but also provide a business case for improving and extending energy access to millions of people.
  4. Empowering Local Workforce and Innovation
    Establishing DAC plants can inspire and engage Africa’s young and rapidly growing workforce. This can lead to the development of a new generation of climate innovators and solution builders, leveraging local talent to address global climate challenges.
  5. Environmental Stewardship and Global Leadership
    Africa has the potential to lead the world in climate action, not just as a victim of climate change but as a proactive agent of change. Implementing DAC technologies in Kenya can position the continent as a leader in climate innovation and environmental stewardship, contributing significantly to global efforts to mitigate climate change.
Act now
Do you have climate goals and would like to procure carbon removal as part of your strategy?

We're here to help.
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